제나빌더 잘쓰고 있어요..감사합니다.
제나보드에 최신글보기 있죠?
여러 그룹게시판에서 뽑아오는거잖아요...
근데 특정한 (z6) 그룹만 안나오게 하고 싶은데 어떻게 하나요?
소스는 아래와 같습니다.
$g4[title] = "최근 게시물";
$sql_common = " from $g4[board_new_table] a, $g4[board_table] b, $g4[group_table] c
where a.bo_table = b.bo_table and b.gr_id = c.gr_id and b.bo_use_search = '1' ";
if ($gr_id)
$sql_common .= " and b.gr_id = '$gr_id' ";
if ($view == "w")
$sql_common .= " and a.wr_id = a.wr_parent ";
else if ($view == "c")
$sql_common .= " and a.wr_id <> a.wr_parent ";
if ($mb_id)
$sql_common .= " and a.mb_id = '$mb_id' ";
$sql_order = " order by a.bn_id desc ";
where a.bo_table = b.bo_table and b.gr_id = c.gr_id and b.bo_use_search = '1' ";
if ($gr_id)
$sql_common .= " and b.gr_id = '$gr_id' ";
if ($view == "w")
$sql_common .= " and a.wr_id = a.wr_parent ";
else if ($view == "c")
$sql_common .= " and a.wr_id <> a.wr_parent ";
if ($mb_id)
$sql_common .= " and a.mb_id = '$mb_id' ";
$sql_order = " order by a.bn_id desc ";
$sql = " select count(*) as cnt $sql_common ";
$row = sql_fetch($sql);
$total_count = $row[cnt];
$row = sql_fetch($sql);
$total_count = $row[cnt];
$rows = $config[cf_new_rows];
$total_page = ceil($total_count / $rows); // 전체 페이지 계산
if (!$page) $page = 1; // 페이지가 없으면 첫 페이지 (1 페이지)
$from_record = ($page - 1) * $rows; // 시작 열을 구함
$total_page = ceil($total_count / $rows); // 전체 페이지 계산
if (!$page) $page = 1; // 페이지가 없으면 첫 페이지 (1 페이지)
$from_record = ($page - 1) * $rows; // 시작 열을 구함
$group_select = "<select name=gr_id id=gr_id onchange='select_change();'><option value=''>전체그룹";
//$sql = " select gr_id, gr_subject from $g4[group_table] order by gr_id ";
// 제외그룹설정 root님
// html , banner , guest 라는 그룹은 제외시킴
$sql = " select * from $g4[group_table] where gr_id not in ('guest') order by gr_1";
$result = sql_query($sql);
for ($i=0; $row=sql_fetch_array($result); $i++)
$group_select .= "<option value='$row[gr_id]'>$row[gr_subject]";
$group_select .= "</select>";
//$sql = " select gr_id, gr_subject from $g4[group_table] order by gr_id ";
// 제외그룹설정 root님
// html , banner , guest 라는 그룹은 제외시킴
$sql = " select * from $g4[group_table] where gr_id not in ('guest') order by gr_1";
$result = sql_query($sql);
for ($i=0; $row=sql_fetch_array($result); $i++)
$group_select .= "<option value='$row[gr_id]'>$row[gr_subject]";
$group_select .= "</select>";
$list = array();
$sql = " select a.*, b.bo_subject, c.gr_subject, c.gr_id
limit $from_record, $rows ";
$result = sql_query($sql);
for ($i=0; $row=sql_fetch_array($result); $i++)
$tmp_write_table = $g4[write_prefix] . $row[bo_table];
if ($row[wr_id] == $row[wr_parent]) // 원글
$comment = "";
$comment_link = "";
$row2 = sql_fetch(" select * from $tmp_write_table where wr_id = '$row[wr_id]' ");
$list[$i] = $row2;
$comment = "";
$comment_link = "";
$row2 = sql_fetch(" select * from $tmp_write_table where wr_id = '$row[wr_id]' ");
$list[$i] = $row2;
$name = get_sideview($row2[mb_id], cut_str($row2[wr_name], $config[cf_cut_name]), $row2[wr_email], $row2[wr_homepage]);
// 당일인 경우 시간으로 표시함
$datetime = substr($row2[wr_datetime],0,10);
$datetime2 = $row2[wr_datetime];
if ($datetime == $g4[time_ymd])
$datetime2 = substr($datetime2,11,5);
$datetime2 = substr($datetime2,5,5);
// 당일인 경우 시간으로 표시함
$datetime = substr($row2[wr_datetime],0,10);
$datetime2 = $row2[wr_datetime];
if ($datetime == $g4[time_ymd])
$datetime2 = substr($datetime2,11,5);
$datetime2 = substr($datetime2,5,5);
else // 코멘트
$comment = "[코] ";
$comment_link = "#c_{$row[wr_id]}";
$row2 = sql_fetch(" select * from $tmp_write_table where wr_id = '$row[wr_parent]' ");
$row3 = sql_fetch(" select mb_id, wr_name, wr_email, wr_homepage, wr_datetime from $tmp_write_table where wr_id = '$row[wr_id]' ");
$list[$i] = $row2;
$list[$i][mb_id] = $row3[mb_id];
$list[$i][wr_name] = $row3[wr_name];
$list[$i][wr_email] = $row3[wr_email];
$list[$i][wr_homepage] = $row3[wr_homepage];
else // 코멘트
$comment = "[코] ";
$comment_link = "#c_{$row[wr_id]}";
$row2 = sql_fetch(" select * from $tmp_write_table where wr_id = '$row[wr_parent]' ");
$row3 = sql_fetch(" select mb_id, wr_name, wr_email, wr_homepage, wr_datetime from $tmp_write_table where wr_id = '$row[wr_id]' ");
$list[$i] = $row2;
$list[$i][mb_id] = $row3[mb_id];
$list[$i][wr_name] = $row3[wr_name];
$list[$i][wr_email] = $row3[wr_email];
$list[$i][wr_homepage] = $row3[wr_homepage];
$name = get_sideview($row3[mb_id], cut_str($row3[wr_name], $config[cf_cut_name]), $row3[wr_email], $row3[wr_homepage]);
// 당일인 경우 시간으로 표시함
$datetime = substr($row3[wr_datetime],0,10);
$datetime2 = $row3[wr_datetime];
if ($datetime == $g4[time_ymd])
$datetime2 = substr($datetime2,11,5);
$datetime2 = substr($datetime2,5,5);
// 당일인 경우 시간으로 표시함
$datetime = substr($row3[wr_datetime],0,10);
$datetime2 = $row3[wr_datetime];
if ($datetime == $g4[time_ymd])
$datetime2 = substr($datetime2,11,5);
$datetime2 = substr($datetime2,5,5);
$list[$i][gr_id] = $row[gr_id];
$list[$i][bo_table] = $row[bo_table];
$list[$i][name] = $name;
$list[$i][comment] = $comment;
$list[$i][href] = "./board.php?bo_table=$row[bo_table]&wr_id=$row2[wr_id]{$comment_link}";
$list[$i][datetime] = $datetime;
$list[$i][datetime2] = $datetime2;
$list[$i][bo_table] = $row[bo_table];
$list[$i][name] = $name;
$list[$i][comment] = $comment;
$list[$i][href] = "./board.php?bo_table=$row[bo_table]&wr_id=$row2[wr_id]{$comment_link}";
$list[$i][datetime] = $datetime;
$list[$i][datetime2] = $datetime2;
$list[$i][gr_subject] = $row[gr_subject];
$list[$i][bo_subject] = $row[bo_subject];
$list[$i][wr_subject] = $row2[wr_subject];
$list[$i][bo_subject] = $row[bo_subject];
$list[$i][wr_subject] = $row2[wr_subject];
$write_pages = get_paging($config[cf_write_pages], $page, $total_page, "?gr_id=$gr_id&view=$view&mb_id=$mb_id&page=");
$new_skin_path = "$g4[path]/skin/new/$config[cf_new_skin]";
echo "<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"$g4[path]/js/sideview.js\"></script>\n";
어디서 뭘 추가해야 되나요?
- http://klzip.com 1136회 연결
연후아빠님의 댓글
연후아빠쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일// html , banner , guest 라는 그룹은 제외시킴
$sql = " select * from $g4[group_table] where gr_id not in ('guest','z6') order by gr_1";
이런식으로 해보세요^^