기타 하단 안내문 스킨형식으로 출력해보자
페이지 정보
extend/gr_select_list.lib.php로 저장
<? echo select_gr_list("", html, 10)?>
//if (!defined("_GNUBOARD_")) exit; // 개별 페이지 접근 불가
function select_gr_list($skin_dir="",$gr_id, $rows=10)
global $config;
global $g4;
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>
//$sql = " select bo_table, bo_subject from $g4[board_table] where gr_id='$gr_id' order by bo_table desc limit 0, $rows ";
//$sql = " select bo_subject, bo_table from $g4[board_table] where (bo_list_level <= $member[mb_level]) and (gr_id = '$row[gr_id]') and bo_use_search = '1' order by bo_order_search";
//$sql = " select bo_table, bo_subject from $g4[board_table] where gr_id='$gr_id' and bo_table not in ('html1_2', 'html1_3') and bo_use_search = '1' order by bo_order_search";
//게시판 권한 설정 적용, 전체 검색사용에 체크된 게시판만 검색순서에 따라 추출
$sqlb = " select bo_subject, bo_table, bo_10 from $g4[board_table] where gr_id='$gr_id' and bo_use_search = '1' order by bo_order_search";
//게시판 권한 설정 적용, 전체 검색사용에 체크된 게시판만 검색순서에 따라 추출
$resultb = sql_query($sqlb);
for ($j=0; $rowb=sql_fetch_array($resultb); $j++) {
$bSubject = "<img src='$g4[path]/img/icl.gif' border=0>".($rowb['bo_subject']);//게시판제목
$bLink = (!empty($rowb['bo_10']))?$rowb['bo_10']:$g4['bbs_path'].'/'.'board.php?bo_table=' .$rowb['bo_table'];//게시판링크 - 별도링크 필요하면 bo_10 필드에 전체 url 입력
echo "<td align=center><a href='" . $bLink . "'>" . $bSubject . "</a></td>";
echo "</tr></table>";
<? echo select_gr_list("", html, 10)?>
//if (!defined("_GNUBOARD_")) exit; // 개별 페이지 접근 불가
function select_gr_list($skin_dir="",$gr_id, $rows=10)
global $config;
global $g4;
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>
//$sql = " select bo_table, bo_subject from $g4[board_table] where gr_id='$gr_id' order by bo_table desc limit 0, $rows ";
//$sql = " select bo_subject, bo_table from $g4[board_table] where (bo_list_level <= $member[mb_level]) and (gr_id = '$row[gr_id]') and bo_use_search = '1' order by bo_order_search";
//$sql = " select bo_table, bo_subject from $g4[board_table] where gr_id='$gr_id' and bo_table not in ('html1_2', 'html1_3') and bo_use_search = '1' order by bo_order_search";
//게시판 권한 설정 적용, 전체 검색사용에 체크된 게시판만 검색순서에 따라 추출
$sqlb = " select bo_subject, bo_table, bo_10 from $g4[board_table] where gr_id='$gr_id' and bo_use_search = '1' order by bo_order_search";
//게시판 권한 설정 적용, 전체 검색사용에 체크된 게시판만 검색순서에 따라 추출
$resultb = sql_query($sqlb);
for ($j=0; $rowb=sql_fetch_array($resultb); $j++) {
$bSubject = "<img src='$g4[path]/img/icl.gif' border=0>".($rowb['bo_subject']);//게시판제목
$bLink = (!empty($rowb['bo_10']))?$rowb['bo_10']:$g4['bbs_path'].'/'.'board.php?bo_table=' .$rowb['bo_table'];//게시판링크 - 별도링크 필요하면 bo_10 필드에 전체 url 입력
echo "<td align=center><a href='" . $bLink . "'>" . $bSubject . "</a></td>";
echo "</tr></table>";