lightopera 상단메뉴 > 스킨

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topmenu lightopera 상단메뉴



<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo G5_URL?>/lightopera/styles.css">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> 


<div id="wrapper">
    <nav id="cssmenu">
        $sql = " select *
                    from {$g5['menu_table']}
                    where me_use = '1'
                      and length(me_code) = '2'
                    order by me_order, me_id ";
        $result = sql_query($sql, false);
        $gnb_zindex = 999; // gnb_1dli z-index 값 설정용

        for ($i=0; $row=sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
        <li class="has-sub" style="z-index:<?php echo $gnb_zindex--; ?>">
            <a href="<?php echo $row['me_link']; ?>" target="_<?php echo $row['me_target']; ?>"><span><?php echo $row['me_name'] ?></span></a>
            $sql2 = " select *
                        from {$g5['menu_table']}
                        where me_use = '1'
                          and length(me_code) = '4'
                          and substring(me_code, 1, 2) = '{$row['me_code']}'
                        order by me_order, me_id ";
            $result2 = sql_query($sql2);

            for ($k=0; $row2=sql_fetch_array($result2); $k++) {
                if($k == 0)
                    echo '<ul>'.PHP_EOL;
                <li><a href="<?php echo $row2['me_link']; ?>" target="_<?php echo $row2['me_target']; ?>"><span><?php echo $row2['me_name'] ?></span></a></li>

            if($k > 0)
                echo '</ul>'.PHP_EOL;

        if ($i == 0) {  ?>
            <li>메뉴 준비 중입니다.<?php if ($is_admin) { ?> <br><a href="<?php echo G5_ADMIN_URL; ?>/menu_list.php">관리자모드 &gt; 환경설정 &gt; 메뉴설정</a>에서 설정하실 수 있습니다.<?php } ?></li>
        <?php } ?>



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