제나빌더 매뉴 따라 하기--; 제발 답변점 이상한 답변 사절.인사 댓글 사절
여분 필드 10에 내용 작성시 자동 매뉴 생성 에서 링크 부분을 여분 필드 10에 작성한 내용으로 따라가게 햇으면 좋겟습니다. 제나빌더가 그렇게 하던데ㅣ;;;
저도 따라 해 보구 싶습니다.
<? if($gr_id){ ?>
<!-- Nav_V -->
<table width="100" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td height=4 align="center" valign=top></td></tr></table>
<table style="border-collapse:collapse;" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="190">
<td width="190" height="5" colspan="3">
<p><img src="<?=$g4['path']?>/img/outline_top.gif" width="190" height="5" border="0"></p>
<td width="5" background="<?=$g4['path']?>/img/outline_left.gif">
<td width="180" align="center">
<!-- Nav_V -->
<table width='180' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
<td align="center">
<table width='100%' align="center" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
$red_bullet="<img src='$g4[path]/images/bullets/circle03_orange.gif' width='6' height='10' align='middle'>";
$blue_bullet="<img src='$g4[path]/img/icl.gif' border='0'>";
$blue_bullet1="<img src='$g4[path]/img/icl1.gif' border='0'>";
$line_shadow = "<td height=1 background='$g4[path]/img/dot_line.gif'></td></tr>";
$sql = " select gr_id, gr_subject from $g4[group_table] where gr_id = '$gr_id'";//해당그룹 $gr_id를 해당그룹명으로 대체가능
// morning님 전체그룹에서 제외그룹설정
$sql = " select * from $g4[group_table] where gr_id not in ('test', 'test2') order by gr_id ";
$sql = " select * from $g4[group_table]
where gr_id <> 'photo'
and gr_id <> 'common'
and gr_id <> '제외그룹3'
order by gr_id ";
$result = sql_query($sql);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
//그룹을 보여준다면
echo "<tr><td background='$g4[path]/img/lbg7.gif' height='37' align='center'>";
echo "<br>$row[gr_subject]</td></tr>";
// 게시판 목록보기 권한설정순 정렬
//$sql2 = " SELECT bo_subject, bo_table from $g4[board_table] where (bo_list_level <= $member[mb_level]) and (gr_id = '$row[gr_id]') order by bo_subject ";//참고하세요.
$sql2 = " select bo_subject, bo_table from $g4[board_table] where (bo_list_level <= $member[mb_level]) and (gr_id = '$row[gr_id]') and bo_use_search = '1' order by bo_order_search";
//$sql2 = " select * from $g4[board_table]
//where gr_id = '$row[gr_id]'
//and bo_table <> '제외보드1'
//and bo_table <> '제외보드2'
//order by bo_order_search ";
$result2 = sql_query($sql2);
$bar = "";
while ($row2=mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
$new_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()-3600*$row2[bo_new]);
$sql3 = " select count(*) as cnt from $g4[write_prefix]$row2[bo_table] where wr_datetime >= '$new_time' ";
$row3 = sql_fetch($sql3);
if ($row3[cnt] > 0)
$new = " <img src='$g4[path]/img/icon_new.gif' border='0'>"; //new 아이콘
$new = ""; //new 아이콘 없음
echo "<tr><td width=\"100%\" height='25' align='left' class='left_menu_btn'>";
//g6man님 해당게시판 볼드체로
if ($row2[bo_table] == $bo_table)
echo " $blue_bullet1 <a href='$g4[bbs_path]/board.php?bo_table=$row2[bo_table]' class='list_menu menu_on' onfocus='this.blur()'><font color=#6b98cf><b>$row2[bo_subject]<b></font></a> $new";
//echo "<a href='$g4[bbs_path]/board.php?bo_table=$row2[bo_table]' class='list_menu menu_on' onfocus='this.blur()'>$row2[bo_subject]</a> $blue_bullet1 ";
echo " $blue_bullet <a href='$g4[bbs_path]/board.php?bo_table=$row2[bo_table]' class='list_menu' onfocus='this.blur()'>$row2[bo_subject]</a> "; //네모 뷸릿 + 테이블명 + new 아이콘
echo "</td></tr>"; //칸 닫기
echo $line_shadow;//경계선
echo "</td></tr>";
<!--네비게이션 메뉴 끝-->
<td width="5" background="<?=$g4['path']?>/img/outline_right.gif">
<td width="190" height="5" colspan="3">
<p><img src="<?=$g4['path']?>/img/outline_bottom.gif" width="190" height="5" border="0"></p>
<? } ?>
댓글목록 5
제로님의 댓글
제로쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일
$red_bullet="<img src='$g4[path]/images/bullets/circle03_orange.gif' width='6' height='10' align='middle'>";
$blue_bullet="<img src='$g4[path]/img/icl.gif' border='0'>";
$blue_bullet1="<img src='$g4[path]/img/icl1.gif' border='0'>";
$line_shadow = "<td height=1 background='$g4[path]/img/dot_line.gif'></td></tr>";
$sql = " select gr_id, gr_subject from $g4[group_table] where gr_id = '$gr_id'";//해당그룹 $gr_id를 해당그룹명으로 대체가능
// morning님 전체그룹에서 제외그룹설정
$sql = " select * from $g4[group_table] where gr_id not in ('test', 'test2') order by gr_id ";
$sql = " select * from $g4[group_table]
where gr_id <> 'photo'
and gr_id <> 'common'
and gr_id <> '제외그룹3'
order by gr_id ";
$result = sql_query($sql);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
//그룹을 보여준다면
echo "<tr><td background='$g4[path]/img/lbg7.gif' height='37' align='center'>";
echo "<br>$row[gr_subject]</td></tr>";
// 게시판 목록보기 권한설정순 정렬
//$sql2 = " SELECT bo_subject, bo_table from $g4[board_table] where (bo_list_level <= $member[mb_level]) and (gr_id = '$row[gr_id]') order by bo_subject ";//참고하세요.
$sql2 = " select bo_subject, bo_table from $g4[board_table] where (bo_list_level <= $member[mb_level]) and (gr_id = '$row[gr_id]') and bo_use_search = '1' order by bo_order_search";
//$sql2 = " select * from $g4[board_table]
//where gr_id = '$row[gr_id]'
//and bo_table <> '제외보드1'
//and bo_table <> '제외보드2'
//order by bo_order_search ";
$result2 = sql_query($sql2);
$bar = "";
while ($row2=mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
$new_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()-3600*$row2[bo_new]);
$sql3 = " select count(*) as cnt from $g4[write_prefix]$row2[bo_table] where wr_datetime >= '$new_time' ";
$row3 = sql_fetch($sql3);
if ($row3[cnt] > 0)
$new = " <img src='$g4[path]/img/icon_new.gif' border='0'>"; //new 아이콘
$new = ""; //new 아이콘 없음
echo "<tr><td width=\"100%\" height='25' align='left' class='left_menu_btn'>";
//g6man님 해당게시판 볼드체로
if ($row2[bo_table] == $bo_table)
echo " $blue_bullet1 <a href='$g4[bbs_path]/board.php?bo_table=$row2[bo_table]' class='list_menu menu_on' onfocus='this.blur()'><font color=#6b98cf><b>$row2[bo_subject]<b></font></a> $new";
//echo "<a href='$g4[bbs_path]/board.php?bo_table=$row2[bo_table]' class='list_menu menu_on' onfocus='this.blur()'>$row2[bo_subject]</a> $blue_bullet1 ";
echo " $blue_bullet <a href='$g4[bbs_path]/board.php?bo_table=$row2[bo_table]' class='list_menu' onfocus='this.blur()'>$row2[bo_subject]</a> "; //네모 뷸릿 + 테이블명 + new 아이콘
echo "</td></tr>"; //칸 닫기
echo $line_shadow;//경계선
echo "</td></tr>";
제로님의 댓글
제로쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일상단 메뉴소스를 보면서 스퀘어 문을 일일이 수정해 줘야 합니다.